A Directory of Search Engines with 917 Listings!

Enter the internet of individual countries. Conduct thorough web searches. Locate your new favourite search engine. Make quality listings of your own website in relevant search engines!

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Example of a Search Engine Listing

English: Finds answers to questions posed in ordinary day-to-day conversational language!/Irish .ie domain index (Dublin)

ieSEARCH logo-tag is hyperlinked to the service. Purple typeface is used to indicate that ieSEARCH is a unique search engine (see Colour Codes). English is the written language used. A short description of the service is provided. Finally, the point of origin of the service is listed in italics.

Colour Codes

Commentary for each of the Search Engines is coloured-coded to reflect the type of search engine. Searchable Directories which gather and list information via human effort have neon typeface. Search Engines which gather and list information via spider-robots have white typeface. Meta-Search Engines which automatically search a group of other search engines have light-blue typeface. And unusual or unique search engines have purple typeface.

Contact: Bryan Strome - Canada [ bstrome@wkpowerlink.com].....©Pending 1998.......On Advertising